ASI Director-General Gautam Sengupta said the list of India’s treasures held abroad was “too long to handle” and there was a need for a “diplomatic and legal campaign” for their restitution from institutions, including the British Museum, the Royal Collection and the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.
Speaking to The Independent, Sengupta said that after decades of unsuccessful unilateral lobbying, India was looking to join a campaign with the support of Unesco, and other countries with longstanding complaints about the foreign ownership of their artistic riches, including Egypt and Greece.
“As efforts so far to reclaim stolen treasures have proved futile, Unesco support is required for launching an international campaign to achieve this end.
“Not only India, various other countries like Mexico, Peru, China, Bolivia, Cyprus and Guatemala also the voiced the same concern to get back their stolen and looted antiquities and to join the international campaign,” Sengupta said.