May 11, 2011

A rumor that, the eternal city Rome would be hit by a earthquake on Wednesday sent ripples to certain people while some where giggling about it. The internet blogs, social media were buzzing about the Roman earthquake. Irony is that the birth of the rumor took place through  Internet!

But, according to certain reports this had effect on the daily life of Rome. 
There were reports that Rome traffic was considerably less that the normal. Around 18% of people were in "SICK" leave. This shows the penetration of the internet driven rumor.

The fear was caused by one faction of the followers of Raffaele Bendandi, who died more than 30 years ago.

The self-proclaimed scientist, who used a mix of seismology and cosmology and claimed to have forecast numerous earthquakes, calculated that a "big one" would hit Rome on May 11, 2011.

The majority of Romans were sceptical and indeed by mid day the earth had not moved.
To shake up the mood even more, another faction of Bendani's disciples said Bendani had never pinpointed May 11, 2011 as the date for the big one.

They said that according to the positions of the planets, the actual earthquake would be on April 6, 2521.