May 12, 2011

India is the 3rd most internet traffic generating nation with 100 million users. And also ranks second in spam generation. All these factors indicate that the internet usage in India is growing if not at a rapid pace, it is growing decently. A State of Internet report by akamai placed India in the 143rd place in the broad band speeds category. According to akamai, India has an average speed of  0.8Mbps which is 9.1% less than the previous year's(2010) speed.

It is also reveled that, 35% of Indian internet connection are operating at 256 kbps or even less speed. Where as only 0.4 percent of total users operate at a maximum speed of 5kbps.

The fastest internet connections is also located in ASIA, South Korea has the fastest average internet speed of 13.7 Mbps. Next to South Korea is Hong Kong with 9.1Mbps.

Nevertheless, internet usage penetration is increasing in India but fastness remain the major set back factor due to various logistic hurdles in a larger middle class dominated country like India!