1 Instant Search
If you start typing into Google, and the search field suddenly flies up to the top of your browser window, you know you're dealing with the new feature that Google calls Instant. In essence, Instant attempts to update search results in real-time as you type. So, for example, if you're searching for "ms word templates", the search results will be updated with each few characters.2 Real-time
Occasionally when you're searching with Google you'll see a scrolling box within the search results, with new search results appearing as you watch. This is what Google calls "real-time search", a feature designed to leverage constantly changing social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.Originally rolled out late last year, real-time search has grown in popularity so much that Google recently rolled out an entirely new product called Google Realtime, which is devoted solely to capturing results from the web's premier social networks.
3 Star rating
In an effort to make search results more personalized, Google introduced its Star rating system earlier this year. As a result, if you have a Google account and are signed in to the search engine, you'll note that each item in a list of search results now includes a hollow star to the right of the title.Click that star, and it turns yellow. What also happens, behind the scenes, is that the item is added to your customized list of favorite sites and will appear at the top of a list of search results when the page is relevant to what you're seeking.
4 Google Everything
The Google Everything sidebar is another recent addition to Google that attempts to put more relevant search options at your fingertips. Consequently, the sidebar, which appears to the left of your search results, contains links to other Google repositories of information - including videos, discussion groups, images, news, maps, and more - that probably also contain relevant information related to your search term.5 Old Google
New features sound good, but are you among those who long for the days when Google was not cluttering its search results page with lots of features? There is one tact to get a no-nonsense Google page: use Google's mobile site.And it's refreshingly devoid of "stars", real-time search, "instant," sponsored links, and most of the other new features that might be making you long for the Google of a decade ago.@karthikmns